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Hello Big Fish Patrons! Winter is upon us and we here at Big Fish Golf Club no longer say “putting the clubs away” until spring. As a matter of fact, winter is when we golf the most. We are excited to announce this winter season’s upcoming events and daily activities to provide you with the foremost experience to fulfil and optimize your winter indoor golfing needs. Golfzon is unlike any golf simulator you have ever experienced! No other simulator brings you to the edge of reality like Golfzon does. Rated every year by Golf Digest, the “Gold Medal Standard” for simulation golf, it’s as real as it gets. 

Simulator Tee Times

 Wednesday & Thursday 9:00am-6:00pm; 

Friday & Saturday 9:00am-7:00pm

Indoor Golf League for the 2023-24 season

– 12 weeks of regular season play from December 6-8 to February 28-March 1

– March Madness single elimination playoff from March 6-8 to

March 27-29 (Based on league standings)

– League Fees (due at registration) – $50.00

– Weekly League Rates – $20.00 per player

Monthly Tournaments

–One tournament every third Saturday of the month from November to March, including the St. Patty’s Day Scramble at the St. Andrews old course.

-Contact the pro-shop for all tournament details and registration.

Club Fitting and Lessons

– Year-round club fitting and lessons by Taylormade Staff Professional, Joe Taylor

– Exclusive fitting days in January, February, and March with Callaway, Srixon/Cleveland, and Taylormade

Thanks for a great season at Big Fish Golf Club.
Winter activities are available, and the club hopes to see you during the winter months.
Contact the pro-shop at 715-934-4770 for all your golfing needs.